HAD to pass this along. :evilgrin:
Extra-Slanty Italics Introduced For Extremely Important Words May 3, 2007 | Issue 4318
NEW HOPE, MN In an attempt to address writers' ever-growing word-emphasis needs, Minnesota-based Pica Foundry has developed a new, extra-slanty italic font, design director Jordan Soderblum announced Monday.
"When writing important words, authors too often bypass regular italics in favor of all capital letters, which not only look awkward but also disrupt the flow of the text," said Soderblum, whose new italics design is slanted at a more acute 60-degree angle instead of the normal 75. "We believe that the additional 15 degrees of slant will allow authors to create a much more intense and immediate reading experience."
Soderblum said that his design team is currently developing a demi-semibold typeface for writers who "kind of, but not really" want to accentuate subheadings.
Well now how are the non-extremely important words going to feel? A mere 75 degree slanted word, who used to be the most important, tossed aside and lost in the mix of all those regular words, now that the almightly 60 degree words shall be introduced?! Now thats just cruel. Did they even take that into account? I bet not.
Yet on the flip side, why stop at 60 degrees? If you truly want the word to stand out as the absolute most important word of the entire piece, I say its time we start rotating them, 90 degrees for catastrophic, and 180 for life altering once the word passes your eyes.
However I am glad to see that finally someone did stand up, rise to the occasion and begin working on all of our dire word-emphasis needs. It's good to see the world is finally focusing their attention on the most important of matters! I can just hear the collective sigh of relief from writers around the world. ;)
Julie, you crack me up! I'm especially taken with the "90 degrees for catastrophic" line. That totally creases!
It IS about time the world focused on the truly important. (This from a blogger slugging it out on GAT over my right to slant any old way I feel is right ...)
It IS about time the world focused on the truly important.
Don't you mean is about time? Your use of all caps disrupted the flow of your text. LOL!!
- Faith