Spending way too much time trying to upload a photo onto the International blog. It's not happening.
I'm posting w/o until someone tells me this is fixed.
Are you getting an error? If so, can you share it with me? Also, I will always need the time when the problem took place.
Remember that responds slowly for about half an hour while our system does backups - this takes place between 12 and 2 AM Arizona time every night - it's best NOT to post during those times, if you can avoid it...because it will be much slower.
Just a little tidbit about the photos...
I am guest blogging for Haiti and Kaz. I discovered that I can use my links for Ukrainian photos over on the Haiti and Kaz blogs.
So if you need a picture and like one of the Ukrainian blog ones, I can send you the link.
:boot: OK, folks, it has been my experience that Brandy can fix just about anything if she's given the information she needs.
"It doesn't work" is not error reporting. It is venting. Although venting is good for you and welcome here, Brandy can't fix what ails you unless you give her some details.
Here is how we can report errors and get them fixed quickly:
1. Explain where you were and what you were trying to do when the error occurred.
2. Did you receive an error message? If so, what did the message say (and pay close attention to error numbers). If not, what happened (in detail).
3. What time was it when this happened? (If it happened between 12-2am Arizona time then you get the Homer Award :arrow: "DOH!" because you've been told that is when the system updates and you just shouldn't try to post during that time of day.)
Once you have all of that information, post it at: [URL=""][/URL]
You didn't say - and I'm not sure that it matters - whether you are trying to upload personal photos or web photos.
With my blog, it has stopped allowing me to upload personal photos from my own hard drives, regardless of size. However, if I go over and put them on my personal blog, I can upload them from there onto my adoptiveparenting blog.
I know it's not a "fix" to the problem, but only a band-aid solution. Still, if that is your problem, this is one way that I've worked around it without taking too much extra time.
Good luck!
:russia: :ethiopia: :mexico: (and USA, whose flag I could not find)
Ya I know now!
Ok - I will look into it - thanks for the reports :D
Report EVERYTHING - ok? I would rather be flooded with emailed problems - than not know! :D