Ok... I'm in need of positive thoughts (and stories!). Please share a favorite GOOD story from your reunion.
Mine... one if them, anyway... Being invited to go to the hospital after the birth of grandson S when he had been moved to a NICU in a different hospital. Sitting in the NICU and holding him.
just had my "second" reunion with DD and favorite part was the time i spent alone with just her...and hearing my mom tell my dad that she's adorable and she's in love with her. she also gave me a mother's day card for "my birthmother" and she wrote that i was an important part of her life...
Another of my positive stories is from the first time I met D f2f (after he stopped hyperventilating and got out of the car). My other children and my daughter's son were here as well. As we were sitting in the living room talking, AJ (then 18 months) approached his cousin (then about 7 months) and gave her a big hug. She wasn't sure she like it. The two have been great friend ever since (except when they want the same toy!)
i could add that DD's mom mentioned to us that DD's boyfriend...who is also adopted...didn't understand her and her mom's need to contact me...because his mom basically had kids for income. DD's mom told him that this wasn't the case and we're family...end of story