I found a photo listing last night of 2 children that my husband and I want to adopt from Haiti. Now, we had thought we would adopt much later in our lives, but these kids.... well, we can't think of anything else and we want to start the adoption process. If anyone has recommendations of who we should work with or anything that I need to know, I would greatly appreciate the help.
Please PM me. Where are these kids at now? Do you have to go with a particular agency? I think in Haiti that independent is easier and cheaper. You will basically be doing all the papergathering either way. Please PM me and ask me any questions you need. You can't post much info about specifics on the boards.Heidi
Photolistings are often offered by agencies, sometimes in partnership with grant programs. You'll most likely have to work with the advertising agency. Do not delay in contacting them if you're interested because after a couple of weeks there may already be a family in process to adopt them. Don't worry if you're not homestudy-ready. You'll never know until you ask. Good luck!
They are kids from Lilly's Orphanage. We have talked about them. They are being adopted now. I actually don't know if it is by hotwings or not? The mom isn't on out yahoo group yet.