DH and I have just started researching Liberian adoptions and are very interested.
We have checked out Acres of Hope and AFAA websites and I feel drawn for some reason to AFAA. Can anyone PM me and give me some feedback on either agency?
Also, I am curious about timelines. How long did it take you to get in your paperwork? Our only experience is with domestic adoption and it seems like the international process requires much more paperwork. Also, how long was your wait from submitting all paperwork (completing the homestudy) and receiving a referral? What about the time from referral to your child coming home?
We will probably use an escort mainly because we have a young child that I don't want to leave for any extended amount of time. Does anyone have any experience with having your child escorted?
Oh, and by the way, we would like to adopt a child 12 months or younger and would not specify a sex.
Thanks in advance.