Tonight is Birthparent Chat at 9pm CST
Everyone is welcome to join us in Birthparent Chat. We have gained some wonderful insight from Adoptees and Adoptive Moms who have popped in on us (I think they came for the chocolates). Please be respectful...we are Birthmoms trying to find understanding.
:boot: Sniffles - will you be in charge of Leigh's Cardboard cut out mounted onto plywood?
:boot: Momchelle - don't forget the stringy stuff
:boot: Brown - I'm leaving you in charge of the drinks
:boot: Angel_Island - please make sure there are plenty of kleenexes.
:boot: TG - Can you help Sniffles stick Leigh's cut out to the window so no one falls out???
:boot: Katchelle - please make sure everyone has their duct tape and bungee cords!!
:boot: Everyone else - BUMP this thread today....please!!!
In case you haven't noticed by the "To Do List" I wil not be on tonight. This is night #3 of Twilight Camp so while y'all are having fun I'll be sweating and swatting mesquitos!!!!
okay, fight it out with TG. LOL!!! But remember, you should treat other Girl Scouts like a sister!!
Yes, delegating...I've been doing it all week!!
Now do I need to draw names for:
Line Leader
Chant Leader
Mail Carriers
I can put your camp name on a clothes pin and put it by your assignment if that will help!!! ROFL!!! Am I sounding like a Camp Leader now????
I will be there, I will however be late! We have a late 8 pm baseball game *sigh* SO please don't leave without me.LOL
I would pop on after I get home, but by the time I drag everything in, uupack, repack, get cleaned up and send out the email to the parents it's close to midnight. I'll be there next week though!!!
Okay my little rays of sunshine...I'm leaving now.
Please bump this....if you don't bump then no campfire s'mores on Friday!!!!