Hi, I'm an Arizonan adoptive parent. I have a three-year-old boy with CP whom I adopted from Texas, and I will soon be bring home a four-year-old girl with autism from Oregon. I look forward to meeting other adoptive parents from Arizona.
You must be a stay at home mom. I have been hoping to bring children that young but keep getting told that they will only place them with stay at home parents. I had a set for foster but when it was the day they were suppose to move in I was told that the case worker decided she wanted a stay at home mom instead. My case worker says she will look for school age children for me. But I also want younger children but it doens't look as if that will happen
Actually I do work three days a week. I'm a single mom, so I do need to work part-time. I guess maybe the difference is that I adopted my son from out of state (Texas). I'm actually not adopting the five year old anymore. I found out about some aggressive behaviors and I just wasn't comfortable with those around my little one. I am currently pursuing a 23 month old girl from Oregon. Maybe it's the Arizona kids that they will only place with stay at home moms. I should also mention that my kids all have significant special needs. My son has cerebral palsy, and the little one I am hoping to adopt also has similar issues. At 23 months, she is crawling, babbling, pulling to stand. she is not yet walking or talking. She is also fed with a feeding tube. I think kids with significant needs are more likely to be placed single/working parents because there are fewer families pursuing the children. That's actually kind of sad, but it's true. I'm pretty sure I would not be able to get a healthy younger child as a single mother. Good luck with your process. I know how stressful it can be.
I think it depends on what you consider healthy and also if you are willing to take the risk that a child might return to parent.
I was a single foster/adoptive mom in AZ for a number of years and have a son who will soon be 5 years who came as a newborn and am in the process of adopting a 6 month old also who came as a new born. Both were drug exposed but other than that very healthy.
Did you go through DES or through a private agency? How long did it take for you to get your first placements? As a single fost/adopt mother did you face any obstacles for getting placements? I'm curious as I have been hearing some discouraging experiences from other singles in AZ.