My husband and I have just been licensed in Mo...any other Mo. foster parents here? Just wondering how long your wait for placements were, we live in Jefferson County...just haven't heard a lot regarding need for foster homes. We are licensed for 0-4..
Amanda :hypno: :prop:
I'm in Franklin County. I was licensed April 2005 and got my first placement July 2005. I've had three placements (3 months, 10 months, 4 months, and the middle one returned and is staying :clap: ) and then some respite. I'm a pretty quiet person, single, was going to foster only vs. foster/adopt and only room for two children. I said ages 2-10. I don't get a lot of calls, but what I've found that is once I got to know a few social workers and other foster parents, they'll start calling or thinking of me and referring social workers to call me. So go to any group events, get to know people, etc. I hope you enjoy fostering as much as I have. jan
Hi,we are foster parents in Jefferson County Mo also,for almost 2yrs now,in the beginning we did have alot of placements,under 2yrs old,but the last year we haven't had very many placements at all,we're hoping to adopt but its looking very unlikely that it will ever hapen through fostercare,Rachel
hey, I am also in missouri, close to Springfield, when I first got licenced I had a placement 2 days later, they eventually went to a fost/adopt home, we only want to foster, 2 weeks later got a nother placement. they left and now our home has been empty for almost 2 months. it is a bit frusturating...