I am seriously thinking about trying to talk dh into adopting a little guy from Haiti. He is not quite ready, but I can't get this little guy off my mind. One question I have, our last adoption I had to be gone six weeks and it was really, really hard on my other children. Do they do escorting from Haiti or would I have to travel and if so how long is the normal (if there is any such thing) trip?Any other advice would be welcome as well. Also if anyone knows anything about medical visas and possible adopting after that and such I would love to hear it. Feel free to PM me!
Hi,I think it is great that you are considering Haiti. Do you mind me asking where is this little guy from? You can PM me. Anyway if you wait until the END of your process you can literally pick your child up at the airport and go home. I guess you could have him escorted as well. You may want to go to Haiti for a few days though. i personally feel you would be missing out on a huge part of his life if you avoided it all together (this coming from a woman who spent a month in Haiti!) Haiti is a wonderful place that has the most caring and loving people in it. Just spending a few days there would be good fot=r you and your childs future. Anyway, Either way it is possible. Please feel free to PM me and I can try to answer any questions you may have.
Some agencies will offer an escort to bring child the child to the States for you. But if you opt not to travel at all, it can add 2-3 months to the wait at the end. I think this has to do with filing your I600 in person, in Haiti. I'm going to visit our son and file the paperwork in October. I'll be there for four days. When he's able to come home, we could go to get him (and stay as long or as short as we want) or have him escorted. This is my understanding based on the info our agency has given us.