Is it possible to have a dossier in China for a prospective adoption waiting referral and have it put on hold or not, and start a special need adoption with a different agency? We have a LID of 1 year and are wishing there was a way to bring home a special need child in China with a different agency and still adopt our other child later on. Have not got an answer yet and am wondering if there is any chance at all to do this. We would qualify for the waiting child now but not any later, due to age.
MMmmmmm Thanks! Karen
It is my understanding that China requires at least one year between adoptions. It is also my understanding that China won't allow you to submit a dossier for a second child, if your first child is not yet home. But do check this out with some reputable agencies.
Thanks Sharon, you may be right. I remember hearing something like that. I know about the year between. I'm going to talk with some agencies.