My b/certificate says born 1/29/79 in Windsor, MO
date signed is 3/6/79. Please help, I have no other info other than adoptive birth certifcate. I would like to know where I come from, if siblings exist, and medical history for my daughters sake.
Missouri has a Adoption Registry you should register with them. They do not search for your BM but if she also registers then they will notify both you and her.
If you do not have copy of the adoption decree I would suggest that you get one along with identify info on the birth parents. This would come from either the court that heard the adoption or you can request the info from the adoption agency. This info is non-identifying as it will state birthparents: age, race, religion, number of siblings, maybe info on the grandparents.
I would also suggest that you register with as many sites as possible.
I live near St. Louis and if you need any local researching feel free to private message me.