Asking help from the experts... My 2 1/2 year old daughter has been potty training for a couple of months.She is great at daycare. Consistanly dry and uses the potty and has been doing this for over a month. I am thrilled about this...Now here is the problem-Once she isn't at daycare she doesn't want to use the potty. She won't let me put her on and I know that she needs to go. Shortly after I try to put her on the potty she will pee in her pants. This can happen multiple times... Any suggestions??? I am not sure what to do.
Maybe for some reason at home she is needing to be babied. Have you talked with her pediatrician?I dont' know what works with your daughter. Stickers work with my son. He gets a sticker on his chart everytime he goes. At the end of the day, if he has had no accidents he gets a big sticker and when the chart is filled (like 5 days or this last one was 10 days) he gets a prize.He doesn't go to daycare, but he would do great everywhere else. The trick is finding what works for her. Finding out what makes it worth going at home instead of her in pants.It's hard, I know!Hang in there and I hope you find some help soon!
Does the daycare have a specific routine or type of potty chair etc. that she is responding to? Can you set it up at home to mirror her daycare potty routine?
Have you had any changes in routine/life lately that might be a "stressor"? Sometimes that's how kids react to changes, so if that's a possibility, I'd recommend a "matter of fact" approach to it like "Remember, we need to go potty in the toliet" as the mess is cleaned up.
You might try a sticker or other reward "motivation" for her at home. "If you sit on the potty, you get a sticker" etc.
I don't have any suggestions... just a story to share: My daughter wasn't making much progress (she was about 2 1/2) until we traveled 800 miles to my in-laws for Christmas. I put her in diapers for the trip and she stayed dry for the entire trip. I swear we stopped at every public restroom between PA and IL! (After that she had very few accidents!)