I am going to cross post this several places, as I had it posted in a reply to another thread in Special Needs, Medical, and didn't get any suggestions. I hope maybe someone will have some experience or suggestions.
Our ds (a through FC) was preemie at 28 wks and 2 lbs 3 oz at birth and drug exposed. He is now 14 months and 16 lbs, 6 ozs and 26 ins! He's now been surpassed in weight and height by our bio 6 month old. Basically he's stopped growing for the last four months. We have been struggling with "why is he not growing?" He is completely proportional, not skinny at all (even cherubically chubby). But we changed peds and got his medical records to take to the new Dr and found to our dismay he was diagnosed Failure to thrive (he never even told us!). Had reflux bad, and breathing issues (stopped breathing at 8 weeks and I had to perform CPR and call 911), hospitalized twice for lung issues (10 days each time), and has been on breathing treatments ever since the first episode. And is now recovering from another respitory infection. Only problems developmentally seem to be speech.
We go to an endo next Tuesday and any suggestions as to what ?s to ask, etc., would be appreciated. We are at a loss, he looks nurished, the Gastro took one look at him and said he was proprotionate so no nutritional supp necessary. We'll love him no less if he is just meant to be short, we just want to make sure there is nothing wrong.
Have the doctors considered esophogeal reflux disease? This can cause reflux, vomitting, failure to thrive, and frequent respiratory infections. I don't have any personal experience, but you may want to do some online research before seeing the specialist.
Our 9 year old bio daughter was born at 30 weeks. She did a tremendous job of growing up until 8 months of age. Between 8 months and 1 year of age she gained exactly 2 ounces. We saw the pedi endocrinologist, had bone scans done, saw the pedi neurologist, etc. Looking back the best guess anyone could make is that genetics was taking over :) My husband is a small man and now that we have 3 bio kids, we have seen the same pattern in them, not as drastic, but same overall: growing well and then come to a screeching halt and drop off on the growth charts. Our middle child was a 9 lb 8 oz giant, 100% in weight, height, and head for the first 6 months, by the time he was a year, he was at the 50th for weight and height...still has a big head though.
Get things checked out, but try not to worry too much. Some kids just don't do things the way the charts say they should.
ok the first thing that brought me to these forums is the simle fact that I am a Birthmom. A decision that feel was made be cause I 'gave up'. I did not trust my self as a mother to make the best decisions for my child and that is my biggest regret.
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