Recruitment Letter
My name is Brittany Goin, and I am a student at Maryville College. For my senior thesis, I am conducting a study regarding differences in adult attachment between adopted and nonadopted individuals. I will also examine attachment differences between individuals from both open and closed adoptions as well. Each participant will complete a series of questionnaires and surveys regarding demographics, adoption status, adoption satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction. It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete all forms. Additionally, all information received from each participant will remain confidential, and all data will be destroyed after the completion of my study. If you are 20 years old and older and would like to participate in my study or would like more information please contact me via email at or Dr. Crystal Colter at Your participation would be greatly appreciated.
Brittany Goin
Maryville College
P.S. please foward to anyone you know that may be interested
Did you finish your thesis? If not, I would like to help out. I have been on both sides of adoption as an adoptee and a birthmom