Hi, I was born 04/26/1968 in East York, Toronto Ontario...My birth name was Shari Marlene Miller. My birth mother was 16 at time of my birth.
I'm looking for her or any other family members.
pls contact me with any info
I was born with red hair that turned blonde..grey-blue eyes, and stubby short thumbs...ring a bell out there?
I believe you are looking for my mother, Your birth mother. Your information matches hers. Your birth mother's name is Judith Lynn Miller. She was 17 years old at the time of the adoption, and had given you the name of Shari Marlene. She is alive and well and we have been actively trying to find you. Please respond for more information if you receive this.
Okay, well they found me on facebook! Good news and glory be!
Never doubt the power of the internet!!:cheer: :cheer:
I hope you'll come back and share your story when you have the time. I saw the posts and was excited about the possibility if a reunion because of!
Congratulations and I wish you all the best. confirmed who we were looking for. It made it all the more special knowing she was looking for my mother as well!!:rockband:
yes it's true, my birth family found me on Facebook...but that would not have been possible if the Ontario gov. hadn't opened the adoption disclosure records to the public. That's how I was found, my birth family got my adopted name and were able to track me down using google! (amazes me still)
Its turning out to be a very happy reunion, so don't give up hope folks!