Hi everyone. My husband and I (I'm 50, he's 40, no children) are considering adopting from Russia. I've been talking with adoptive moms, and am feeling very sobered by the experience, particularly with those who have dealt with RAD issues (I know everyone has bonding issues to some extent) - but to be treated on some level, 5 years out, as "just another caregiver.?" I'm not sure I could deal with that.
Looking for the strength to move ahead...we've identified homestudy and placement agencies, just need a little bit of trust and faith that we won't regret this decision.
We're looking for a young sibling group (girl/boy), as young as possible, which could be 2-3 yrs. plus, because of my age. Any advice/inspiration greatly appreciated! Thanks so much, Sandra
Because my husband and I are adopting from Guatemala, I really can't give you any information regarding adoption from Russia. However, I would suggest you go out to the International forum for Russia as I'm sure they will be a wealth of information. Reading the threads on the Guat forum and posting questions really helped us a lot in our decision.
Good luck with everything.