Hi, soon-to-be-adopted by us fd has a Hebrew first name. She wants to change her middle name, preferably to another Hebrew name (although we/she are not Jewish) when her last name changes. She likes the sound and meaning of the name Zaza, movement, but would like it better if it meant fast movement, swift movement, something to capture the fact that she is always moving, always fast. Does anyone have any suggestions, it doesn't have to be a traditional name, could be a word (the online translators show Hebrew characters, so no idea of the sound or English spelling, but the English spelling of the word meaning swift, rapid, quick, nimble, etc. might be good if it sounds nice, too).
Congratulations to your family!
Zarizah = nimble (Zah-ree-zah)
mehirah = fast, swift (may-hee-rah)
The "ah" in the end is the way these words are used in the feminine.
Mind you, these are not names, these are the translations of the adjectives.
Hope that helps. :)
Hee, hee, if we were starting from scratch, it would be great fun and tremendously fitting to name her Zariza ZaZa (or ZaZa Zariza), but we don't quite have that latitude. Still, Zariza gets us much closer to the meaning mark and still close to the sound...I like it, thank you.