How do I start the process of getting baby enrolled into DEERS? Is it even possible to enroll once a Mom has picked us so that the delivery can be covered by TriCare?
we just adopted a baby! It was pretty easy to enroll her in Tricare.
After the baby is born it is still covered by the emom's insurance until the emom and the baby leave the hospital. The emom goes home, and you take the baby to the hotel to wait that you get the ok from the lawer to go home. If there is a base in the city you adopt take the hospital paper and the custody paper and bring it to deers, or you wait until you are at home. You do not have to bring the baby with you. Deers puts the baby into the system, and after that you can enroll the baby in Tricare. It is pretty easy. You cannot do it after a match because you do not have any papers that the baby belongs to you.
tricare will not cover the Emom's bills. I am not sure about whether or not it will cover babys hospital care until he is released to you legally... J's Bmom was covered under tricare, so we didn't have to worry about it.
we just had our experience with this last week.
J was born 2 weeks ago... we received his letter of live birth from his Bmom this week, We took that to DEERS and enrolled him using that letter. It helped that he was born in a military hospital and Bmom had used our last name on the letter. He is now officially enrolled in DEERS and then in Tricare under us.
when we were "researching" into tricare coverage for adopted infants, the conclusions were never consistent between places and people. we were told at one point he wouldn't be covered until after finalization (i seriously think people were misunderstanding adoption terminology) some said normal tricare procedures, some said we had to wait to get the actual birth certificate or SSN.
don't stress about it until baby is actually here. that makes a world of difference because then you'll actually have legal documentaion saying he is infact placed with you for all intents and purposes to legally adopt him.
good luck!