I am 41 yr old adoptee who was injured in an work accident. The state workers comp is trying to blame the worsening of my injuries on degenerative disc disease but I am too young. They say there is no way to know because I was adopted, whether it could be related to medical history in Family. I found out my birth mother may have also been adopted.
During the medical treatment and worsening of my neck, a "glitch" in my system was causing what can only be called drop attacks. My children and I have all experienced these through puberty and now me again, within the last couple of years.
Also,I was diagnosed with what may be medication related Lupus but without history we have no idea if it is Heriditary Lupus and no way to know if my kids may get it. This can be a very serious Immunity problem.
I would like so many answers and would like throw workers comp back against a wall. I am sure it was the accident and have doctors telling them it was but the medical history would help. If the medication is causing the Lupus than it belongs to the workers comp too. If medication or injury is causing these little drop attacks that I have now at 41yrs old then it belongs to workers comp too and will need further treatment and evaluation and stability before I try to go back to work.
Need help, I will do anything I need to do to find you because you are my original family and I love you. But if you want no contact I understand and would just like to know. But if you would please find it in your heart to help my kids, your 4 grandchildren(we have 7 kids all together only 4 that would be related by blood), or they could be your cousins, neices or nephews..
My records say that I was born in 1966. seattle, Washington, adopted out of Spokane. I am a female, original mother had a very common first and last name, she was 20 yrs old when I was born and had a very round face. My Original Father was in the Navy, didn't finish High School and he was tall and skinny and 19 yrs old.
There is a picture of me at on the why we are here page. I am a survivor, and I succeed at everything I do, I am strong willed and intelligent, I am a christian and I have beautiful children. I am outspoken and very artistic and creative, I love to write, it is my passion. I have a knack for math, english, electronics, science(i can see molecules in my head.) I was a dual major in college, psychology and Microbiology, but could not finish due to illness. I am a sharp diplomat and a problem solver. I am athletic(or was more b4 accident) and I can sing, dance and write music. I teach and turor. I have a lot of talents and the only reason I want to list these is because I was born with them..they came from somewhere. And maybe if you see who I am you may want to finally meet me.
Thank you for reading this and for taking your time to see if I need you.
My mom petioned the courts in Washington to open my file when I was diagnosed with a rare disease so I could find my birth family. WARM is a reunion service that can do the same for you but must act as a confidential intermediary if the court opens the documents. If money is a concern I would petion the courts or ask your mom or dad to first. If you are denied then WARM is an option. If you get the papers from the courts you will still have to search which you could have WARM do for you as well. Kind regards,Dickons
WARM is Washington Adoption Reunion Movement. A couple of birth mothers started it. The court system has 'approved' (for lack of better word) to act as confidential intermediaries so they can access adoption records and do the contacts and if they get signed approvals from the birth family can give you the info... [url=]Washington Adoption Reunion Movement[/url] Kind regards,Dickons