Potty Training
I am seeking help for my child who is having problems doing #2 in the potty. Below is an old post that I did not write but explains my situation. Any suggestions?
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"I'm sure this is a common problem, but XXX is my oldest & I'm not sure how to handle this.
XXX turned three last month. He has been going #1 in the potty for over 6 months, with no problems. However, he has yet to go #2 in the toilet.
What worked for you, to encourage your child to go #2 without stressing them out? We have a friend whose daughter had a bowel obstruction, due to holding it in for so long...
Another detail about XX's personality -- bribes (toys, stickers, candy) DO NOT work for him. He could care less if you offered him a sticker to go potty.
It just doesn't seem to bother him to have dirty underwear once or twice a day. He just careful walks over to me, tells me he pooped... then we go to the bathroom, he carefully steps out of his underwear and rinses them in the toilet. He hands me the underwear and even wipes himself.
We've tried having him sit on the toilet after meals, even reading books and hanging out with him, hoping he will have to go. Inevitably, he will wait it out -- and then soil his underwear the second he is wearing them again...
So -- what do you expert mommys and daddys suggest?? Thanks in advance for your help..."
Ok, I don't know if this will help or friend's son was having a similar issue and at his 3 year old check up, the doctor told her two things: 1, give him stool softener every night to get things moving and 2, don't mention pooping for awhile. Just clean up whatever he does wherever he does it with no attention whatsoever.
In her son's cased, he was holding it in until he couldn't any more, getting somewhat constipated, thus the stool softener.
Other than that, the other thing would be to have him clean himself up as much as he possibly can--maybe eventually he'll tire of it??
BM in the potty is a struggle for many, many kids!