Hello, all!
Ok, here goes. I am searching for my son's Bmom. He was placed through Safe Haven in WV. Birthdate was 3/20/07. I won't put any more info out there that I have about her because I don't want anyone locally to know it's her, if she's not ready for them to know. But, honey, if you're out there. HE is doing well. He's beautiful. You did a great job and we would love to get to know you. We tell him all the time that you loved him more than words. Thank you for leaving your medical info. Please contact me at Oh, BTW, he has an older brother (8) who was also adopted. He is everything to his big bro. He prayed for 5 years for a baby brother and he considers your little guy the answer to his prayers. We love you and pray for you. Thanks go out to thanksgivingmom for helping me to be brave enough to do this. Thanks and love to ALL safe haven moms and bmoms in general. Wish me luck and please pray we find her if she wants to be found. This is scary, but I just keep telling myself it's not half as scary as what she's been through. Love to ya'll.
My daughter Maryn was born April 20,2007 in Sacramento California. Maryn's Birth Mother surrendered her at Sutter Memorial Hospital on F Street in Sacramento, California. We were advised that her Birth Mom gave her the name "Mia Bella Grace", that she was a College Student, and that she delivered Maryn at home. We were told that her Birth Mom's own Mother or Grandmother was with her at the time when she brought our baby to the Hospital.
We would love to find her, thank her and just let her know how loved Maryn is. Maryn's birth mothers' courage is humbling and I am forever grateful to her. If you read this, please know that you will always remain part of our child's life body and soul, and we will never let Maryn forget the great sacrifice and gift you gave her that wonderful day.
Hi, Ladies! I haven't been on for so long. We did finalize our little Safe Haven baby's adoption in October of last year. He is our dear sweet love. He is cute as all get out and know it too!!! ;-) We are still searching for his mother. We love her and hope to one day find her. I would love to find someone to be an intermediary. I am looking into the social workers at the hospital where he was born and hoping against hope that they will contact her for us and give her a letter we have for her. Anyway, please keep praying that we will find her if she wants to be found. I want to find her and hold her and cry with her - for love lost and love found. I want her to know her miracle and to know that God's hand was with her the whole time. I don't think I've told anyone this yet outside our immediate family, but I don't think she had really made up her mind until 2 weeks before he was born. You see, I became pregnant again about 2 weeks before he was born. I kept praying and praying "Is this the one I get to keep and give birth to?" (We have lost about 13-15 babies over the years). The only answer I got was, "I can't tell you yet." Finally, while praying one night I got the distinct impression, "If I tell you that you can't keep this baby will you be mad at me and not talk to me for weeks?" I thought about it for a moment and prayed back "No, I think I'm secure enough in my faith now to know that if this pregnancy falls through, you have something better in store for me." The next morning I had my miscarriage. And 10 days later we got the call about our little Safe Haven miracle. I truly believe we were her back up plan. That she didn't decide until that day to really place. And when she decided not to parents, God made a place for her son with our family. I feel so connected to her and I want her to be able to verify what I know in my heart. I want to tell her that, though she probably felt totally alone, He was with her every step of the way. Please pray we find her. Please. Thank you all for your love and encouragement. Thank you all for your gift of children to the childless. We thank you and pray for all of you from the bottom of our hearts. I know God's hand was with all of you, even and probably especially when terrible things happened to many of you. God Bless you all!!!!
I haven't heard anything yet, but I am expanding my search and trying a bold experiment. I started a group on Facebook called, "Help Find Mikey's Birthmom!" I invited lots of my friends to sign up and am encouraging them to invite their friends. I have posted details that I know about Mikey's birth. I am hoping that, using the 6 degrees of separation theory, we should be able to reach her soon. I hope this works. I feel like I'm on an island, throwing a message in a bottle out into the open ocean, not knowing who will pick it up and read it or pass it on, but I figure it can't hurt to try! Wish me luck! Fingers crossed! Prayers ascending.
Another quick update: We are starting to get a lot of people who I don't know on his FB page, and I find that very encouraging. My older son's first mom just had a baby and so Mikey has really been missing his first mom. He cries for her sometimes and even says, "Please find her mommy" and "I wish I just knew her name"! I showed him his FB page and told him that all the people on there loved him and were looking for him. He thought that was "really cool". He said, "Lots of people love me!" I told him, "Yup! They sure do!" And then he said, "But you're my mommy now and I love you!!" Then he threw his little arms around me. I must admit I got a bit weepy! LOL He is such a little charmer and way too smart for a 3 yo!! LOL Please pray that we find her if she wants to be found. We've had some resistance from people saying we shouldn't look for her and that she doesn't want to be found, but I feel like looking via FB and here gives her to opportunity to come forward if she chooses to. It's not like we've hired a PI and scouring the countryside for her! Lay off me people!! Besides, I can't help but think that her heart is breaking for her baby and that she can't really heal until she knows he's ok. Am I nuts???