We are new to the forum and are hoping to learn from your experiences (good, bad, ugly...)
At present we are stuck trying to decide which agency to work with. If you have any experiences to share, please PM me!
We have these agencies on our list so far:
(1) Children's Hope International
(2) Florida Home Studies and Adoption Inc.
(3) Mandala Adoption
(4) Orphans overseas vietnam adoption program
(5) Vietnamese orphans relief fund
We have filed our I-600A and will send along the home study to complete the application in early Feb. (our home visit was yesterday). Our dossier prep is moving right along, but we need to figure out who we want to work with. If you have any suggestions or comments on the agencies listed above, that would be great!
We are hoping to adopt a baby girl...she will be our first child. I am half Vietnamese, so adopting from Vietnam is our first choice. My husband and I are thrilled to be starting this process, but we feel a bit stressed already. Thanks for listening!
-- JJ
It sounds like you are already working on your dossier. You may want to slow down a bit until you have picked an agency as they may require something a bit different then you are doing. My agency also required forms to be signed with my social worker and other paper work we had to work on together. I just don't want you to get too far ahead and have to start redoing paperwork. Best of luck in your journey!