I am working on my doctoral dissertation and since my life revolves :earth: around being a foster-to-adopted Mom, so does my dissertation.:eyebrows:
I am looking for foster Moms who would be willing to participate in an interview via email. I am researching the foster Mom's experience of attachment to her foster child. I know you are all very busy but I assure you this work will be of great use in the area of foster parent training, recruitment and retention.
I would greatly appreciate anyone willing to respond. It won't take too much time and I'm sure you will enjoy sharing your experience of foster parenting.
I am the mother of 4 children:
12 yr old son - biological
6 yr old son - foster care - adoption to be finalized 2.8.08 (but he's been living with use for 5 yrs)
17 month old girl - foster care (parental rights terminated 1.14.08, had since birth, plan to adopt)
14 month odl girl - foster care - adoption to be finalized 2.8.08 (had since 9 days old)
Please Help
Thank you :thankyou:
Thank you so very much.
Yes of course all information is confidential.
Basically I would like to have the following:
1 - some background demographic information
2 - tell me about your experience as a foster parent
3 - how would you define "attachment"
4 - do you feel that you attached to a foster child?
Thank you so very much.
Yes of course all information is confidential.
Basically I would like to have the following:
1 - some background demographic information
2 - tell me about your experience as a foster parent
3 - how would you define "attachment"
4 - do you feel that you attached to a foster child?
If so, can you tell me about that experience/
We could correspond via my direct email, which is if you like
I would love to be interviewed. I am a foster parent to a 15 y girl and 4 y girl. and others that have left. I don't have the great version of foster parenting. I have had terrible experiences with case workers/and foster boys in my home so I don't know if you want the negative side. if so, my email address is
I would be interviewed if you want the bad experiences from foster email is toddwright39@hotmail.comJennifer W.:thanks:
Thank you so very much for your willingness to participate! As someone who has adopted through foster care (I have too!) I am sure you share my interest in the foster parent - child relationship.
I have two items that contain questions that I would like for you to anwer. All of the information that you give will remain confidential.
The intended use of the following questions is to aide in depicting the experience nuances, essence, and meaning of the foster mother֒s experience of attachment to her foster child. It is a way of ascertaining
1. What does your average day look like?
Describe your daily activities.
2. Describe your experience as a foster parent to
your foster child.
Please include your view and understanding of your role as a foster parent.
3. What is your definition of attachment?
4. Is it your belief that you attached to the identified child?
If yes please describe how you became attached and what that attachment was like for you. Please speak to any thoughts, feelings, dreams (hopes, wishes), senses, imagining, and expectations, etc, regarding the foster child.
If no ֖ please discuss the reasons you believe you did not attach to the foster child.
Please note the following is demographic information:
1. Age
2. What ethnic group do you most closely identify with?
3. What is your current marital status?
4. What city do you reside in?
5. What is the highest level of education completed?
6. Are you currently employed? How many hours per week?
7. How long have you been a licensed foster parent?
8. How many children have been placed into your home?
9. How many foster children do you care for at one time in your home?
10. How many foster children do you have currently in your home?
11. What is the age range of the foster children you will accept into your home?
12. Have you adopted any of the foster children you have cared for in your home?
If YES, how many and what were the circumstances of the adoption?
13. Do you have any biological children and/or step children?
How many?
How old are they?
Do they (currently or previously) live in the same home with you and the foster children?
Thank you for your participation in this study. Please be advised that I may need further clarification of some of your answers and therefore one or two follow-up emails may be necessary. Again, I appreciate your willingness to help in this study.
Please feel free to contact me at anytime.
Thank you for volunteering to participate in the research for my doctoral dissertation on the question, ֓What is the foster mothers experience of attachment with her foster child?Ҕ I value the unique contribution that you will make to my study and I look foreword to working with you.
The purpose of this letter is to reiterate some of the things that we have previously discussed, such as the nature of the research design I am using, its purpose, process, and what I am hoping you will be able to share with me.
The research model I am using is a qualitative one, heuristics, which seeks thorough descriptions of your experience of attachment to your foster children, or in other words, the experience of mothering a foster child.
I seek to examine how this experience has impacted your life. I would like to explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, as well as the people, events, and circumstances connected with your experience.
I want to assure you of the confidentiality of this project. Your name will not be used in this study. However, it is possible that a reader may think they recognize some of the information you share during the interview. Measures have been taken to avoid revealing your identity.
Thank you for your participation as a co-researcher. I deeply value your generosity in the commitment of your time, energy, and effort in the contribution of this research study.
Demographic Data
Of Research Participants
1. Age
2. What ethnic group do you most closely identify with?
3. What is your current marital status?
4. What city do you reside in?
5. What is the highest level of education completed?
6. Are you currently employed? How many hours per week?
7. How long have you been a licensed foster parent?
8. How many children have been placed into your home?
9. How many foster children do you care for at one time in your home?
10. How many foster children do you have currently in your home?
11. What is the age range of the foster children you will accept into your home?
12. Have you adopted any of the foster children you have cared for in your home?
If YES, how many and what were the circumstances of the adoption?
13. Do you have any biological children and/or step children?
How many?
How old are they?
Do they (currently or previously) live in the same home with you and the foster children?
Thank you again for all your help. Please feel free to contact me should you have any further questions.