My Joshie is nearly 7 months old and still not sitting by himself. We practice with him every day. We pulled the mattress off of our futon and put it on the floor and sit him there so if he falls over, he won't get hurt.
Just curious...
Blessings, Michelle
Katie was about 8 months before she could sit unassisted without falling over. I wouldn't be too worried that yours doesn't at 7 months. Children kind of have their own agenda. Katie seemed to excel at verbal skills and lag in gross motor development. It all evens out in the end.
All mine were between 6.5-8 months. (7of em)
What's important is that you keep giving him the opportunity to do so. Propping is good but dont let him sit for too long.
He will get his strength and coordination as soon as he is ready..
The nursing pillow (half round) works great for sitting babe in. Babe cant fall over and toys cant get away. I have a licensed home daycare and use this trick often.
I second the half round (nursing pillow). Even when DS could sit up and play with toys, I still put it around him. He liked to throw himself back for fun! DS was sitting for about five minutes at 6 months but he was probably closer to 8 months before he quit toppling over regularly. He was just over 9 months before he could get into sitting position from tummy.
My nephew is 7 months and cannot sit up at all except with the bumbo, my neighbour I babysat was 9 months before she could sit unassisted for even a few seconds and nearly 13 months before she could get into sitting from tummy.
Kiddos are all so different!
My first-born did everything forward 12 years and I have another baby. Our little Sammy is a latebloomer. He was 6 weeks early so I gave him a two month leeway on everything but he has consistently been 3-4 months behind on everything.
We took him to the neurologist in our pediatrician's clinic and they told us that he was just on his own time-table and had nothing wrong with him. They were right! When this kid makes up his mind to do it, he practices for a couple of days and then masters it.......but not a minute sooner.
He sat at 10 months. Did not pull up til 12 months and did not walk well until 16 months. He can say words and surprises us with one every now and then, and understands everything said to him, but will not converse til he is good and ready. He is 22 months and we go back to the neurologist at our 2 year wellness visit.
So don't feel alone and don't worry too much. Some kids are just really laid back and in no hurry to meet those milestones. Just keep working with the baby but don't wear yourself out......they DO have minds of their own.:arrow: If you get too concerned, just ask your pediatrician to recommend someone.
Well, we've had a most excellent day. Joshie sat on the floor playing with his toys for half an hour!!!!! When he would get a bit unbalanced, he used his arms to keep himself upright. And he squealed the whole time which is what he does when he is very happy and content. Afterwards we placed him on the futon mattress and he started crawling backwards on all 4's. Front crawling he should be doing anytime.
Blessings, Michelle
My Joshie is nearly 7 months old and still not sitting by himself. We practice with him every day. We pulled the mattress off of our futon and put it on the floor and sit him there so if he falls over, he won't get hurt.
Just curious...
Blessings, Michelle
DS was nearly nine months. But he took his time in almost every big milestone like that so far.
Well, we've had a most excellent day. Joshie sat on the floor playing with his toys for half an hour!!!!! When he would get a bit unbalanced, he used his arms to keep himself upright. And he squealed the whole time which is what he does when he is very happy and content. Afterwards we placed him on the futon mattress and he started crawling backwards on all 4's. Front crawling he should be doing anytime.
Blessings, Michelle
Way to go Mondk!!! Pretty soon he'll be all over the place.
My little guy is sitting up (he's almost 7 months) but doesn't crawl forward or backwards. He sort of does the army crawl. It's like he can't get his front and back coordinated.
Sounds like progress!
The boppy pillow never did much for K in helping her sit.
K did not sit for more than a VERY short while unasissted until she was 9-1/2 months old, the day she started crawling.
Like blessedbybug, K also has taken her time with big physical milestones.
I've got another pokey little one. Eve sat on her own at nine months and is just now getting on hands and knees and acting like she might want to pull up. She does barrel roll everywhere though so we still have to chase her away from dogs, cords, outlets, dogs, etc.
Kelcee was between 6-7 months. But, they are all different and most will do it when it is there time.
My daughter was 5.5 months when I could help her sit up and she would sit unassisted, but was 7 months when she started sitting herself up. She is 7 1/2 months and pulling up to standing now and crawling around started at 6.5 months. Not sure how she rates but she was 5 weeks early and only weighed 5 lbs so she may be behind, not sure. It seems earlier than our twins were though. They were 3 1/2 weeks early and 5+lbs each.