[FONT="Tahoma"]Dh & I have been married for 3 years now and he wants to adopt my oldest 2 children from my first marriage. My ex is not in the picture at all and has not been in 4 years now. He did pay child support for a short time only because they were garnishing him a whopping $10 a week! Dh & I live in Idaho, but kids were born in CA (San Bernardino county) and ex lives who knows where.
What state do I file in? Do I do it in the county of birth or the county we currently live in?
We can't really afford an attorney unless we can find one that will let us make small payments. Is an adoption something I can handle myself or should I hire an atty?
Oh, and I have sole physical & legal custody. Ex has supervised visits 1st and 3rd Sat from 9-5 only. Which he has never once asked to see them since the divorce.
Any help is really appreciated. Thanks![/FONT]
he wants to adopt my kid too,
but whe don't have a clue where to start, and like you said, if to do it for ourselves, of we have to hire some attornery,
in my case, my ex-husband just visit my kid a couple of times in 4 months, gave child support because my husband was pushing him, but not anymore he just stop to do it, and dissapear of the map, not a clue where he works or residences is...
P.S. We are married almost 3 years now, and my husband meet us, since my kid was 3 years old, now he is almost 8, and my husband is the only Father that my kid knows
Some help will be very appreciated Thanks!!