Because of the longer wait for a Kazakhstan adoption, I told my agency that I was willing to take a child age 6 months- 3 years. My original completed homestudy had an age range from 6 months-1 year. Do I need to send an updated homestudy to the USCIS for this new age range? Has anyone been in a similar circumstance?
Hm, I'm not sure to be honest.
We didn't do that. We just increased the age on our homestudy just in case.
Hopefully someone here will know.
Good luck!!
Yes, I believe you do because your clearance is based on your homestudy. I would contact your social worker and find out for sure. Good luck!
I checked with my adoption agency and my social worker. My adoption agency coordinator said that my homestudy was OK as long as I specified my new range on my dossier adoption petition (form that includes info about your desired child). However, my social worker said that a homestudy addendum needs to be sent to USCIS.
Thanks everyone for your help!
I would definitely send the addendum. I feel like I've heard of someone encountering a problem in Kaz when they got to the US embassy over this. You wouldn't want to get to the end of your trip, be with your child, and then denied entry to the US.
We want explain our experience in adoption in Kaz.
We are very happy to choose this country. You can see all this in the blog