Our daughter just turned 12yo and is in the 6th grade. She has mostly B's ( one A in band)on her report card. At what age should I stop checking her work and making her fix mistakes? I check her work everyday (except language art since I suck at it:arrow: ). I don't want her to think I will always be there to fix her mistakes, but I also dont want her grades to fall.
As a middle school teacher I can tell which parents correct their children's homework when they can get 100% on homework but classwork they don't understand.
I would say help if your child has a question but don't give her the answer. Rephrase the question or tell her how to look up the answer. That will be more helpful to her in the long run.
The hardest part as a teacher in the beginning of the year is to get those sixth grade students to think for themselves. They want to ask if every little part is right instead of working through the problem themselves.
Their brains are starting to use that critical thinking side, but they still want the work to be easy. Good luck!!
I don't tell her the answers I just explain to her how to do it and turn it into more of a lesson. I have started just checking the problems I know she may get wrong. I always help her with anything she doesn't understand and sometimes explain it in a way the teacher didn't. I will always help her when she needs it, but I 'm not sure if I should continue to check for mistakes.
As an Arkansas parent and former teacher (now staying home with baby and fostering) I think a good age to back off a little is 8th grade.....just before they enter high school.
My son was not ready to take full responsibility for his learning until this year. You will know when your daughter is ready because she will quit coming to you so often and yet her grades will maintain.
I think you and I may be close in distance since I read your "My Page" and saw that you like Ron's Catfish. Would you happen to be in a place hubby and I call Jtown?