I'm looking for some leads on good books that explain adoption from a Catholic perspective.
If you know of such books, could you please contact me at hsaxton(at)christianword(dot)com?
You might want to check out your local Catholic Charities (I think some places it's also known as Catholic Social Services) and see if they have anything. I don't remember seeing anything that specific when we were adopting, but that doesn't mean there's nothing out there.
I just received the most recent issue of the EWTN Religious Catalog (2007-2008). They do have an adoption-related book for Catholics. It's titled, The Call to Adoption: Becoming Your Child's Family by Jaymie Stuart Wolfe. The Item number is 1573X, and the price is $17.00.
You can shop online at their website: [url][/url]. You can also request their free catalogues, which are really nice. Btw, EWTN is the television network founded by Mother Angelica.