Okay, so I'm not pregnant yet, but we're a tryin' :eyebrows: Anyways as most of you know our placed son T will be a full blooded sibling to a new baby born to my husband and I. We have a close relationship. I've been thinking that I want to mention him in a birth announcement, but I don't want to do that "a little sibling for T" deal because that just would cause too many questions for those that don't know about T, ie my coworkers. So, any ideas?
Oh, I don't have any advice but I just get so excited for you a tryin'!!!
I think including T in some way is awesome, but I totally get what you mean about the questions...
Is there any way to include MORE people too? Grandparents or something? A cute poem dealio about all the people that will love new baby? Sometimes corny, but sometimes very cute!
I was thinking this was for the newspaper....but I've come up with something that would work to also include grandparents.
Love and hugs to special big brother T and his family of xx, Grandparents xx of xxx, etc (8 grandparents, poor little guy) and uncle xxx of xx.
we didn't do an announcement because we were too poor at the time!...but I am understand your dilemma. What would i have done? gosh... perhaps I might have written welcomed in to the world by Jane, tammy, know just listed everyone important by there first name??? Then coworkers and assoicates and people not in the know wouldn't think much of it...
We did not include the Munchkin on Nick's because it was a very simple annoucement with very little info. We didn't include her on Parker's because I'm apparently a jagoff and didn't even think to do so.