Hi All - I'm going to give this another shot.
I was born 9/25/65 in NC to a 14 yr old mother and a birthfather around 21 or 22. Birthmother born 2/26/51.
I am currently going through Burke DSS and the new confidential intermediary program so hopefully I will have some answers soon but there is a possibility my birthfather is deceased so I will not get his name if that is the case.
He died in NC possibly in the same county where I was born or the surrounding area. Maybe Catawba or surrounding counties.
If anyone is looking for a possible half-sibling through their father let me give you some info.
My birthfather was around 21, tall, dark, hazel eyes and was working in plumbing in 1965. He was the oldest of four at that time and his parents worked in textiles.
Any help in this would be appreciated.
Rhonda, this is exactly why you should get in touch with NCCAR. They have 3 bills before the legislature,
below is one of them. they need your help in getting these bills passed. Please contact NCCAR
Surely you want that death certificate if for nothing else but medical history for yourself and family.
AN ACT to allow an agency acting as a confidential intermediary to obtain a copy of a death certificate of a biological parent or an adult adoptee when it is determined the biological parent or adult adoptee is deceased as recommended by the house select committee on adoptee birth certificates.
Roberta MacDonald - Reunited Adoptee
Chairwoman - NC Coalition for Adoption Reform