Has anyone considered dual adoption?
Does Colombia have rules about it?
We were considering doing a dual adoption with Taiwan but are not sure.
Any thoughts...
I'm not sure about Colombia and their rules, but my husband and I facilitate an adoption support group and one of the families was waiting to adopt from China (which is now a 3-4 year wait) and they submitted their dossier to Ethiopia in April and just received a referral for a 7 month old precious. They will have plenty of bonding time at home with her before they will receive a referral from China.
I'm interested to hear what others have done and what Colombia's regulations are.
Waiting is indeed the hardest part, but it is worth every agonizing second!
I just PM'd you :), but I do believe it's possible. We have looked into it also, and it sounds like as long as there is a certain amount of time between placements, it's allowed.
Also, I think Emi completed her adoption from Guatemala while they waited for a Colombian referral, so maybe she will give us some more info.
Back in the late summer, early fall, we had considered trying to do a dual adoption from Kazakhstan. Our agency was OK with it, but we ultimately decided against it. I think what they said was that Colombia wants there to be at least 9-12 months between adoptions.
Thank you.
My caseworker needs to consult someone on this and she will get back to me. If there is 1 1/2 year wait for Taiwan and 3 year wait for Colombia, that could give us plently of time between babies. My caseworker did mention that there would be all the fees again and I believe Taiwan is very expensive ($35,000). Also, if there is less than three years for Colombia, it could get close.
I guess it is something to think about. I will let you all know what I hear back.
I have no idea the answer to your question, but do be careful assuming what a wait will be. I have some friends that adopted simultaneously a couple years ago and "scheduled" about 9-12 months between (China and Russia) and ended up with, no kidding, three WEEKS between! One country slowed and the other picked up. It all worked out, but what a crazy few months.
That is something I am a little afraid of. I want to make sure we have some special time with our first. That way we can go to Colombia and have special time with our second.
I think if we were using Casas, the wait time would be much less predictable and could be 1 year or 3 years. If the ICBF list is correct, it looks like a set 3 years.
If it is all too unsure and unpredictable, I am sure we will just wait as patiently as we can and take it one adoption at a time. Although, if there is one thing I have learned throughout this process, (other than I need to practice patience) is that there is not too much you can accurately predict!
After being accepted by ICBF in December, we decided to do a dual adoption and try domestic while we waited out our 30 months. To our surprise, a month later we were chosen by a birth mother. We are now the proud parents of an adorable baby boy! We were there for the delivery and feel so blessed. Yippee, I am a Mommy! I am so glad we decided to do a dual adoption...Colombia and Domestic.
[url=]Our Son[/url]
I noticed on your blog that you are using an agency that is NOT currently Hague approved. I would definitely not pay them for another adoption until they receive Hague accreditations as you could not even apply for an I-800A for that adoption until they are. Also, I would try to find and talk with several families that are in process with that agency in their Taiwan program. I have heard some rumors that didn't sound very good from a family I know -- so I would definitely ask other families that are IN PROCESS in their TAIWAN program -- those that have paid all their money and supposedly had referrals -- before forking over any money. Not that I want to rain on your parade, but if what I heard is true -- again I only know 1 family -- I would be very hesitant to start the process with your particular agency at this particular time.
After being accepted by ICBF in December, we decided to do a dual adoption and try domestic while we waited out our 30 months. To our surprise, a month later we were chosen by a birth mother. We are now the proud parents of an adorable baby boy! We were there for the delivery and feel so blessed. Yippee, I am a Mommy! I am so glad we decided to do a dual adoption...Colombia and Domestic.
[url=]Our Son[/url]
Thank you for sharing your blog and your beautiful story. I get so weeping reading people's blogs!
Your son is so beautiful!
Thanks to everyone who sent congrats. I think our wait for Colombia will pass much faster. Also, our new son is hispanic, so the birthmother is very excited that he will have a little baby brother or sister from Colombia.
I highly suggest dual least it was a blessing in our case.
Congratulations Cathy! Your son is beautiful. :)
We are likely looking into doing the same (dual listing domestically) in the near future, so I am so happy to hear about how well everything went for you!
I would be curious to knoe if anyone did Columbia and China and if so which agency allowed it?
How costly is the Columbia program?
Are you allowed to get pregnant while waiting for Columbia?