Currently looking for job opportunity with an Adoption agency and/or the foster care system. If there is any information on a hiring company, please inform me of any opportunities. Resume is available for viewing.
- To further challenge myself in working with children with the genuine interest to learn more about the foster care system and adoption process, to be a part of a reputable organization, and use my skills to contribute to its continuing success in guiding children onto the right path in becoming productive adults.
- Graduated in December 2005 with a BA in psychology
- Related courses in child psychology:
- Behavior Problems of Children common problems such as ֓terrible twos to disorders such as autism, obsessive compulsive, attention deficit/hyperactive, etc.
- Child Development Ԗ developmental stages from infant to adult
- Identity Formation multiple theories on identity development including parent-child attachments and how individuals develop multiple identities (ethnic, religious, sexual, adolescent, social, political, celebrity, etc)
- Other psychology courses include:
- Cross-cultural psychology ֖ cultural differences in perception and actions
- Psychology of Human Mating how men and women differ
- Family Violence - domestic abuse/neglect, stalking, signs for abused/neglected children, child protective services
- Psychology of Personality ֖ development of identity and personality
- Psychology of Human Relations how individuals interact with one another
- Motivation ֖ theories on causes of behaviors to understand problems such as eating behavior and disorders, alcohol use and abuse, depression, etc.
- Aug. 2006 Aug. 2007
Center for Autism and Related Disorders
- Junior Therapist - using methods of Applied Behavioral Analysis for one on one therapy with autistic children ages 2-8
- Research Assistant in the Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Study through Thoughtful House ֖ conducting play and computer sessions, coding of video sessions, manage, organize, and transfer video session data
- Curriculum Writing recreating the curriculum programs that are used in ABA therapy into documents available for parents and/or caregivers as a guide to generalize therapy across all settings
- Jan. 2006 - Present
Babysitter for Lauren Halpern (2 yr-old)
- Feb. 2004 ֖ May 2005
FactoryPeople retail office assistant ֖ researching products and designers, receiving inventory, e-commerce, contacting consumers and local/international designers, help plan and organize networking/publicity events
- Dec. 2003 May 2005
Le Popov ֖ Full time Nanny for four kids ages 3, 7, 8, and 9 helped raised kids as ֓temporary parent when real parents worked long hours starting new business: meal planning, educational tutoring, extracurricular activities, household maintenance, etc.
- Sep. 2003 Ԗ Dec. 2003
Amber Binion - babysitting 3 kids ages 6, 7, and 8
- Waited tables for two and a half years during college to support myself
- June 2003 present as Ballroom Dance Teaching Assistant
- January 2006 - Research assistant to Rebecca North at the University of Texas exploring positive psychology ֖ running
participants and transcribing participant writings
- June 2004 August 2004 - Research Assistant to Rich Slatcher at the University of Texas studying cognitive perceptions
transcribing and coding 30 second participant EAR recordings
- June 2004 ֖ Dec. 2004 Youth Runaway Hotline - phone operator: role as mediator between runaway and parents, a resource for possible solutions to current situation which included minimal counseling
- Computer skills: Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint
- Bilingual - Fluent in Vietnamese and English, 2 years of American Sign Language
- Time management
- Multitasking