I am a recent college graduate looking to gain experience in the area of international and local adoption. As a philosophy and world religion major, my passion has long been psychological and philosophical cultural studies. From childhood I have been a world traveler and it was from a very young age I began to learn the hardships that particularly baby girls face in many foreign countries the world over. In my recent years, traveling to India, Indonesia and Africa in particular, I have focused on learning more about the situation many parents and young children face in accordance with their cultural beliefs and pressures.
I worked for three months in a small birthing clinic in Bali Indonesia in 2005 as a midwifes assistant. During this time I routinely had the experience of handing a newborn baby girl to a mother who didnҒt even care to hold her new jewel. In 2007 I traveled through India for four months. My experiences with female infanticide guided my spiritual and psychological journey throughout this trip. The more I researched and immersed myself in the culture, the more I found myself infatuated with what is happening to baby girls all over India. It was in Varanasi, where I saw a new born baby girl floating dead in the Ganga river that I fist realized that this may be my calling in life, to help these baby girls, who were never even given a chance to start with. More recently, I spent some time in East Africa where I learned the situation is much the same. Baby girls are simply not wanted, the dowry on them is too costly for their family and they are seen as much more of a burden than a blessing.
Through my direct experience I have seen the importance of finding these helpless children homes. As I skim the world over and ask myself how I can help, I see that adoption is my key to helping these children as well as giving the gift to others who want more than anything some one to love. I am a person who deeply understands the world. I am open-minded and compassionate. My outstanding communication skills and conflict management skills, combined with my world travel and cultural understanding make me an ideal candidate for the adoption work field. [/FONT]
Please feel free to contact me via email for a complete resume at
Thank you for your time and any help you may give. :earth: