Hello everyone!
I am an adoptee and I have chosen this topic of adoption to do a research paper on. I need at least 32 participants to answer no more than 20 survey questions. I do not need any names or anything else that would identify you. I am new to this site but I think I can send the questions through here and, if so, I won't even need an email address. Most of the questions are based on the likerd scale, i.e. yes and no questions, questions that require that you choose one of five answers (Strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree), etc.. The results of this survey would be interesting to most, if not all of you. All answers by individuals will be kept completely confidential. If you would like, I will send you the statistical results of what adoptees face and how we are handling it.
Please respond if you are willing to help me with this and I will send the questions to you asap. Thank you so much!!
Shelly Newby :thanks:
Hi jrainbow!
Thank you so much!! I just realized that I can't send an excel file through the post I could save it as a web page and send it but then you wouldn't be able to mark your answers :( Could you email me with your email address please and I will send it to you that way. Your email will not be used for any other purpose. My email is
Hi bprice215!
I am having problems trying to attach my excel file to the advanced post. Could you email me at and I can send you the survey questions that way or do you know a way that I can send it through here? Thank you so much!
count me in!
Thank you so much! I have tried to attach my excel file to the advanced post with no luck :( Please send me an email to and I will send you the survey. I assure you that your email will not go any further and will only be used for this academic survey. Thank you again for your time and support!!
Thank you so much!! I can't attach my survey to this post because it is an excel file :( Please email me at and I will send the attached survey. Your email address will not go any further and will only be used for this academic survey. Thank you so much, in advance, for your time and support. I will be happy to send you and anyone else a copy of the finished product (my research paper) as soon as I complete it.
Sure, I would be glad to answer your questions. You can e mail me on
You can PM me here or e-mail me at
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