I am a third-year doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology program at Suffolk University in Boston, MA, and I am conducting research on "cultural transmission" in families with internationally adopted children. For this project, cultural transmission is defined as the ways in which parents discuss, participate in, and pass down culture to their (adopted) children.
I am looking for parents who have adopted a child from any country other than America or for adults who were adopted internationally when they were children. There are no restrictions on country of origin, age at adoption, or any parental demographic factors. Participation should take no longer than 30 minutes and is comprised of filling out three short surveys. Each person who returns the surveys will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of three $25 gift cards. Identities of participants will be carefully protected, and all answers are confidential. You will be e-mailed the surveys and can type the answers into the file and e-mail it back.
The Internal Review Board at Suffolk University has approved this project. Please e-mail my research assistant Abby at if you are interested in participating or have any questions.
Thank you.