some people think we are a "super-sized" family. :) but we could go a little larger. i've always wanted a half a dozen kids.....and i am almost there. :) we adopted 3 kids shortly after we were married and all about the same time, so we have never been a small family. :) we now have 5, and i'd love one more, dh wants 2. then i think we are done...that is large enough for me. :)
what about you....large or small?
mommy to Eli,
I am smiling just reading about your family...that's great! So, do you have plans to add the last one or two?
We have also always wanted a large family. Since we have 2 now and are waiting on a referral for a sibling group of up to 3, that would put us at 5 and my husband says that we'll re-evaluate after we find our new normal. Seven sounds good to me, but again, we'll have to re-evaluate. I'll go with whatever my husband says.
I come from a family of 12 children and have never wished it had been smaller. We have adopted 2 and currently in the works for a sibling group of 3. I think 5 would be just the right size for us....but, never say never..
Aahh, have you been listening to my nightly conversations with DH? I think I bring this up every night after the kids go to bed. :arrow: I am the kind of person who likes to plan and it's driving me nuts not having decided anything about our next adoption.
So, to answer the question, we have 2, but our limit would be 4, but I think we will probably be done with 3.
It's just so frustrating because the options for international adoption seem to be dwindling. This, plus thinking about $$, makes me at least think about being done with 2. But my heart says that I'd like one more.
We'd love to adopt from Colombia again but our agency is having accreditation issues and I don't think I can handle another 3+ year wait. We will probably start something next year, so maybe there will be other countries by then, maybe Guatemala will reopen with a great and affordable program (!), or we might try domestic. Or maybe we will do Colombia again, despite the wait! Or maybe a sibling group of 2! :hypno: Too much unknown for my anal personality!
Well since we have ZERO children right now, I am looking forward to our first from Colombia, then we will be re-evaluating the situation. On a good day I would love 3 children, most days I would like 2, but right now I am focusing on one! Only time will tell......
We are a large family.. we have 6 children 2 are adopted.We are in process of adopting Number 7.2 of our children are all grown up now.I love having a large family.I came from a large family myself.Our kids are all close and come to the aid of the other.Holidays are alot of fun and i enjoy watching all our children grow with their own personalities.It can be tiring at times..Lots of Laundry to do all the time.But i would not change a thing.
We just adopted our first, and definitly want to adopt at least one more. When we first got married we always said 4 would be our perfect number, but now with the cost of gas, food, college tuition, not to mention international adoption, I'm wondering if we could afford a larger family? But, if that's what God has for us, I know he will provide the resources. Maybe we should just adopt a sib group of 3 next time!
denise marie
.Lots of Laundry to do all the time.
lol...i hear ya. my mom was here last week, and she couldn't believe i did about 3 loads per day. she kept making cracks about how hard the washer was working. the funny thing is about a year ago, i got a triple capacity washer. and i tested it, it is 3 times the size of my last washer! when she made the comment....i realized how blessed i was to have this washer, because if i were doing NINE LOADS per day, i would have stopped adding to my family a long time ago! lol. ;)
This makes me smile...thankfully for me, laundry is my favorite of all household chores. I actually love doing laundry. Loads of it! I used to do other people's laundry for pay while I was teaching full time, working a part time job, and in grad school...ha!
(It's kind of embarassing, but I even enjoy putting it away! Maybe that'll change when there are 4 or 5 children instead of just 2, but I'm hoping for their sakes it doesn't!)
Megan, can you please move in and do my laundry?! :) I HATE doing laundry. Folding clothes and putting them away is the bain of my existence, I think because it is such a never-ending task. I never feel "caught up" because evry day there are more dirty clothes waiting for me.
Megan, can you please move in and do my laundry?! :) I HATE doing laundry. Folding clothes and putting them away is the bain of my existence, I think because it is such a never-ending task. I never feel "caught up" because evry day there are more dirty clothes waiting for me.
You put your clothes AWAY?? :eyebrows: