How does one find an attachment therapist??? My AS was diagnosed before age 3 (early childhood services, thank God for them) and his behaviors have been great for about 2 years. Now, at almost 5, he is displaying RAD behaviors that are just about doing dh and I in. We were considering an appointment with a psychiatrist but we strongly believe this is his RAD behaviors and would rather see a specialist.
There does not appear to be an Attachment Therapist in my area... do I just need to all every therapist in the city and ask if they have experience with the issue? This is exhausting.
Thanks for any advice!!
have you looked at the list of therapists at [URL=""]Attachment Disorder information and support at[/URL] (resources tab) or [URL=""]Welcome to Attachment & Trauma Network* - ATN[/URL] (therapists tab) or also [URL=""]Attachment Disorder | Nancy Thomas Parenting | | Reactive Attachment Disorder[/URL] (under the find a therapist tab). ATTACh is the professional organization for attachment therapists. We used the ATTACh list to find ours, cross checking it with the Nancy Thomas list.
You may want to xpost this in special needs. I think someone has a database that can look up therapists in your area. Also, they can give you advice about psychiatrists, therapists, etc.
Good luck!