I was wondering what your agency has told you about the "official letter" from DIA. We were given a referral on July 17th for a baby boy with all the medical information. Our agency has never received an official letter from DIA for an official referral. With the Sept. 1st deadline approaching, I don't know what to think. I have emailed people in our agency about this. Does anyone else have information on the "official letter"?
Thanks for any help!!:hissy:
I was told the official letter was always required, but it is now being required by the Sept 1 deadline which is given it way more importance.
My agency told me that I had nothing to lose by accepting a referral. They told me they couldn't make any promises about the letter. Yet I could tell they were hopeful and felt good that their people in Vietnam would help us get those letters on time.
Our caseworker told us that our DIA rep. said we are fine without the letter. Our DIA rep. has never used the letter. I am not sure what to believe.