Looking for a brother given up for adoption between 1967-1971. Closed adoption thru Montgomery Co. Soc. Svcs in MD. Bmother name Margaret Milligan (maiden name Beckwith), fathers name listed as Jack Milligan. Adoptee attempted contact w/in past 5 or so yrs and per soc worker was incarcerated or living in VA or WV. We called correctional facilities with no luck. He is younger than me, I was born in 1964. Bmom won't cooperate mostly due to fear and can't remember the bdate or details about the adoption. She was only 16 when she had me, I was to be an adoptee also, but Aunt who knew my birth father took me instead. No one else in the family can recall more and grandparents kept the pregnancy and adoption quiet. Social worker said that my brother was named Micheal but that the adoptive parents changed his name to James and they lived in the Silver Spring, MD area. I'm still searching and signing up for any orgs. that I've heard about and hoping for the best. Info, ANYTHING even close, please contact me.:thanks: