I asked this question last week on the Russian forums and got some amazing answers. So I thought I would try here.
Share your top three moments in your adoption journey so far. If you are still in paperwork phase it might be the moment dh said yes, or the moment you started your homestudy or the moment you got that peice of paper in the mail or found your agency. If you are later in the process it might be recieving your refferal or meeting your child. The longer the children are home the more moments you will have. So share your top three.
With my son from Poland
I recieved a phone call about him. They read me a letter they had recieved in the mail. This agency did not work in Poland but had decided to contact me. They told me the website that was on the letter and I went to it. Even though it was not in English, his picture was there. That was my first moment with him. I knew he was meant to be our son. The second was bringing him home to meet his brothers and sister and dog and seeing his new room.
The third was this summer, a full year and a half after we brought him home. He fell and hit his head and came to me for comfort, sat in my lap, leaned on me and everything. Seems like a small thing, but for us it was huge.
Lets see with my daughter from Russia
1. On I think my second visit with her she fell asleep in my arms. I was alone in the room with her and I knew in that moment she was mine.
2. When we came off the plane and saw our family and our church family all waiting with banners and balloons and such. (this was pre 9/11) I was a youth director and it meant so much to see all the youth there.
3. The first time my daughter danced in a recital. Because of her physical issues there are a lot of things nobody thougt she would ever do. Dance was one of them, but it's her passion. Every time I see her dance, I fall more in love with this gutsy girl.