My exboyfriend is verbally and emotionally abusive - I have no proof- only witnesses. He wants nothing to do with our daughter and has never even asked to see a picture of her. He just wants to sign his rights away so he doesn't have to pay child support. I want him to sign his rights away but the problem is that I'm in nursing school and on state aide. His child support goes to the state and I'm not sure he can sign his rights away unless I lose my help. I can't lose my help because I need to go to school to give my daughter a good life but I want him to sign his rights away before he changes his mind and she has to deal with him down the road. I pray that there is someone who can help me and give me advice about how to go about all this. I really don't have the money for a lawyer but I could make payments or something? Thank you..
my understanding (at least in WA) that the state won't just let a parent "sign their rights" away because they don't want to be a parent. I don't think it works that way.
Could you possible get an order of custody stating he won't see her at all? You'd still be able to collect child support though.
What's an order of custody? Would that mean that he has no rights to her? And if it does, does it mean that it's forever? Because I'd like to put this all behind me for good..
I also want to make sure he can't come after me for rights because his parents don't know anything about our daughter and I don't want them to find out and make him come after me for rights or something?