Well, in my last post I was seriously thinking about putting my dd on medicine. I decided not to do this opting to wait and see . . . , etc. I would love to say that I have afforded to take my child to attachment therapy, but our finances do not afford this when insurance doesn't help.
Anyway, today my dd who is 12 told me, "Mom, did I ever tell you that I love you very, very much?!" I replied, "I can never hear this enough." I hate to be cynical, but when I've heard this before, I was usually being manipulated in some form or fashion. Then she said, "Have I ever told you I am very happy you are my mother and I'm very happy with this family?" Well, that just about floored me! My dd has been home, next month, two years. She was adopted internationally. Perhaps this is healing?!!
Another mom I met told me something interesting. She told me that these children want the ap to reject them, too, that way they can rationalize that their bmom wasn't bad. They ARE bad. And for some reason, that's easier to accept.
I have had several talks with my dd about life and choices and why I adopted her in the first place. Maybe she is starting to heal . . .
Wouldn't that be something?! Today, I am hopeful . . .
Thank you for sharing about your daughter. It's those rays of hope that keep us going! There's a lot to be said for simply being there, and showing up day after day after day. It's unfortunate that your insurance won't cover attachment therapy, but there are success stories on this board of families in similar situations who have done lots of reading, getting support, etc., who are able to see attachment form with their children when the therapy isn't available. So please keep posting through the ups and the downs.