Our dd is 5 yrs old. She has been home just over a year. We have worked through a lot of the typical difficulties(Aggression, stealing, running away, ect.) After consistent therapy helping her rekindle emotions within and then working through the physical abuse she experienced things have gone MUCH BETTER. We have suddenly had a fun little girl who does and says cute things and think beyond herself to help others sometimes--I have been so relieved to say the least. Anyway, recently we have a new trick going on...She is peeing in peculiar places. Her dresser drawers, the brother's big block can(fortunately, involving a metal container and plastic blocks--unfortunately, leaking on the brand new carpet) and her little sister's wipe containers (yes the little plastic tubs)--any insight for me? Are we looking at a control issues, self esteem issues. I imagine some of both. Any experienced folks out there who can clue me in. So far, we have had her clean it all up talked about it, expressed my anger, and talked about how the toilet is the place--the ONLY place. I have also decied to eliminate the pullups for nighttime. So far, 1 wet night and the next a dry night....Tell me what you know please!