Hi im a bmum and i didnt want to give my son up for adoption. My mum agreed with the hospital that i would . I have been in reunion now for 5 years with scarcley any news from my son but he does communicate with me. How would he be feeling. He has found out the truth with his parents and they arent very nice to me at all. I am no threat and have told them so , sooften that i have had to stop communication with them. My son is now on his last 2 weeks of active duty in Afghanistan and he replied to my email . I feel awkward and i dont want to . how do i go about communicating with him. and how do you think he is feeling. His amum has interferred with our reunion from the start and has stifled our talking what do you suggest i do . I really need imput here if anyone can help. :love:
Just be there for him like any mother would be for their child. I know I distanced myself from my adopted mom on occasions and withdrew from the family for my own reasons. Through it all, I always knew that she would be there for me if I needed her.
It sucks waiting, but it is just the way things work. More flies with honey and all.
Best wishes.
I agree. Just be there for him - letting him know that you love him and are always thinking of him. My sons are grown (not adopted) but they like to call and let me know what is going on in their lives.
I'm an adoptee and my birth mom is deceased but I know that if she were alive I would just love to have heard from her.
snuffie and all that replied, thank you all. Its very helpful. Im sorry about your mum, i know she would be proud of you. I will just wait and keep telling him that imhere for him always.
al the best.