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Hello my friends...
My foster son's dad is wiccan/pegan (sp?) with Christmas coming up I thought I would get him a gift, but I dont know how they believe, do they even celebrate Christmas? If I am not mistaken they really dont follow the bible, but I thought that maybe I could get him something that would have to do with his "religion" (im not even sure if it is called a religion) any way would any of you have similar beliefs that could give me some advice??
I dont want to leave him out at Christmas time but I also dont want to offend him by getting him something that he wouldnt want..
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated..
Yes, it's a religion - but I do find that a lot of people who "claim" to follow it really are just playing around at it...that said, I'm Wiccan so I suppose I can give you some advice. No, we are not connected to Judaism or Christianity in any way and therefore do not follow or believe in the bible. We don't celebrate Christmas as such, but DO celebrate the Winter Solstice (which is always around December 21st, and in fact is on the 21st this year) which is the celebration of the symbolic birth of God. (Which, by the way, is one theory about the reason why the early Christian church decided to make Christmas the same time of year, to make it easier for the people to make the switch, even though scholars thought Christ was more likely born in the Spring sometime). So....Give him a nice Season's Greetings type card on which you can write "Have a Blessed Solstice" or similar, along with any small gift such as you would give anyone else at Christmas. I'm sure he'll appreciate the thoughtfulness very much! If you really want to go all out with it, anything with a Goddess symbol or a pentacle (a five pointed star enclosed in a circle), would be a nice touch - but possibly hard to find depending on where you live.