We are about to adopt our Baby "G". Her Bio-father passed away in December. I was wondering if she qualifies for SSI death benifits, and if so would she still receive those benifits after adoption? We are pretty sure she will not qualify for adoption subsidy since she is under two, is not a sibling to any of our adopted children, and has no special needs at this time.
Thanks in advance for any info you can give! We are in the State of Texas!
Sorry, but the previous response isn't correct. If she receives SSI death benefits BEFORE she is adopted, she will continue to receive them AFTER she's adopted! I'll try to find the link on the soc security website for you.
Here you go:
I believe you have to be receiving SSI at the time of adoption in order to continue getting the monthly SSI. So if you adopt her and THEN apply for SSI for her, they may not allow it.
Jllambert, his is an excellent question, with unfortunately ...not direct answers. In dealing with SSI benefits for survivors, it is a fine line to tow. If you go to the site suggested by "lovemy6" you will see an area, that says something like":What are the requirements for a survivor to recieve S.S. benefits?" Pay especially close attn:. to the 3rd line down. "under CERTAIN circumstances benefits CAN also be paid to stechildren...grandchildren..and adopted children! If it were I ...I would indeed check with the SSI ffice in your local area, and double check. There are many things tha have changed..due to the economy and lack of funds. If , say the child you are adopting, has no other biological parent, then the answer would depend on whether this child you seek to adopt, is indeed already recieving these benefits. Another factor you may wish to consider, if you and DH, make considerable amounts of income, you could very well be saying good bye to the benefits. So, I SUGGET YOU BE WISE...AND CHECK WITH THE ADMINISTRATION...NEVER CAN BE TOO SAFE...THE GOV. IS JUST LOOKING FOR WAYS TO CUT BACK...UNFORTUNATELY THESE WAYS ARE NOT ALWAYS WHAT IS BEST FOR THE GREATER GOOD! Sorry for the caps...just noticed, any way, I wish you luck...just check into everything ...first! Blessings...C.J.
Even if you don't technically need the money now, I think it would be nice to get it and put it aside for college or other investment for the child (if college isn't in the works). Then you would be able to say, "your birthdad worked for you to get this money....". Really, this isn't a handout from the government, this is tax money their birthfather paid to the government to provide some security...... (My opinion of course:))
This is not as easy as one would think. Once adopted the way it is factored is they would go by the adopted parents now being the leagl parents. In a way I could see it as a nest egg but why would you want to collect a benefit from a birthparent? If you are NOW the parent? This i something that I will never understand. With all the talk about real parents and aparents reiteratng time and againthat they are the child's parents, why is it OK to for something like this. If a Bparent ever decided to make a claim on their taxes for their child that was adopted, the aparents would be up in arms. IMO if you adopt a child, you accept them as your own and decline outside benefits having to do with their bfamily. They are now your responsibility.
I think they factor in the afamily's income.
This is not as easy as one would think. Once adopted the way it is factored is they would go by the adopted parents now being the leagl parents. I think they factor in the afamily's income.EZ
Yes, she will still get her biological fathers death benefits. I adopted two girls and they both received their mother's death benefits in the state of Florida, which SSA is gov so it shouldn't matter about the state being Texas. They received it until they are 18, or if in school they can receive until 19 yrs 2 month. I just dealt with this today as I had a SSA appt for this exact question.
We are about to adopt our Baby "G". Her Bio-father passed away in December. I was wondering if she qualifies for SSI death benifits, and if so would she still receive those benifits after adoption? We are pretty sure she will not qualify for adoption subsidy since she is under two, is not a sibling to any of our adopted children, and has no special needs at this time. Thanks in advance for any info you can give! We are in the State of Texas!