I have been calling everything and everyone trying to seek information. It seems the only likely people to provide me with this information is out to lunch. So, i'll try my luck here.
I am a child of an open adoption, and am quite close with my birth family. I was born in Canada, but my birth mother is an American citizen. Applying for colleges, we started to wonder if her American status can affect mine? Can I apply for dual citizenship through her?
My adoptive parents are divorced, so once I turn 18 I am no longer considered a "child of the marriage". Does this play a role?
I know, its a sticky situation. If anyone has any info please let me know!
Thank you!
In all likelihood, no you can't use her citizenship as a tool...because there is no legal relationship between the two of you. To apply for citizenship, you’d need to provide a birth certificate stating that your parents or parent is a US Citizen and because of the adoption, you don’t have a valid birth certificate that states that.
Talk to an immigration attorney and find out the specifics…she might be able to help you obtain citizenship, but I don’t think you’d be able to do it the way you’re thinking.
(Nice to see another adoptee on the forums who had an open adoption :) )