Our homestudy is finally complete and we've inquired on some children and sent off homestudies...
I know they have some kind of meeting to match but then what?
From my understanding, the case worker waits until she feels she has enough home studies to send the case to the committee process. I think if the worker likes your home study then you can ask more about the children and get more details before your homestudy gets submitted to the committee. If you want to proceed to committee then they choose several families and the committee narrows it down to one family who can adopt the sibling group.
How many did you apply for for? How exciting! Good luck! :cheer:
I inquired about three cases.
Two single boys in different states and a set of two sisters. I've gotten word back that they aren't taking anymore homestudies for the two girls.
And we are submitting our profile for two domestic infant adoptions too.