Hi, my sister and I have been doing research and did our DNA on ancestry. We discovered that we had a half sister born September 1957 in St John’s who was given up for adoption. From what we understand so far is that the mother was in a home for unwed mothers and it appears she was baptized on October 7, 1957. We’ve found our half sibling and are now doing more research to solidify it. On our half sisters birth certificate was the sponsors name :Eileen Mullins. I noticed your ad when I was trying to research Eileen Mullins and when I read that she too had a baby in September of 1957, im concluding that my half sisters mom and your mom likely were in there together. Your mom would have been my half sisters moms friend. Or simply a roommate. Do you know where your mom was when she gave birth? What factory she was staying in? We’re trying to piece it all together and perhaps we can help each other. Thank you.