I was just about to start the research process about how to adopt my stepdaughter when I took a look at some sample forms...I don't know if this is just a sample, or an actual requirement. But, the form stated that 'I (the step parent) attest that I am a US Citizen', and then 'I (the birth parent) attest that I am a US Citizen'.
Does this mean that BOTH parents have to be citizens in order to start this process?! I am a citizen, but my wife (the birth parent) is a permanent resident, not a citizen yet. And, of course, that makes my step daughter also a permanent resident, not a citizen yet.
Does anyone know if there is a citizenship requirement? Do we really have to wait for both of them to get citizenship before I can adopt my step daughter?
If anyone has this information, please let me know. I don't know if the state matters, but I am in New Jersey.
Thank you.